Kubernetes-The Hard Way With Docker & Flannel (Part 1)

Hallo alle zusammen, after a long time I’m writing this blog and I come with an interesting and long post I know what you are thinking, I steal Kelsey Hightower’s Kubernetes The Hard Way tutorial, but hey!, I did some research and try to fit K8s cluster(Multi-Master!) in a laptop with Docker as ‘CRI’ and Flannel as ‘CNI’. This blog post follows Kelsey Hightower’s Kubernetes The Hard Way, I highly recommend go through his repo....

January 17, 2019 · 10 min · Veerendra K

Kubernetes-The Hard Way With Docker & Flannel (Part 2)

Welcome back to “Kubernetes-The Hard Way With Docker & Flannel” series part 2. In previous post we have provisioned compute resources, generated certificates and kubeconfig files. In this post, we will install and configure controller nodes 6. Bootstrapping the etcd Cluster etcd is a consistent and highly-available key value storage DB. Kubernetes stores all cluster data in etcd via api-server. In this section, we will install and configure etcd on all controller nodes....

January 17, 2019 · 6 min · Veerendra K

Kubernetes-The Hard Way With Docker & Flannel (Part 3)

Welcome to the final part of “Kubernetes-The Hard Way With Docker & Flannel” series. In part-1, we discussed our cluster architecture, provisioned compute resources, generated certificates and kubeconfig. In part-2, we have bootstrapped controller nodes. In this post, we will bootstrap worker nodes and at the end, perform a smoke test on the cluster 9. Bootstrapping the Kubernetes Worker Nodes As the title of this post “Kubernetes The Hard Way With Docker & Flannel”, what we are going to do now is different from Kelsey Hightower’s Kubernetes The Hard Way tutorial i....

January 17, 2019 · 5 min · Veerendra K