
K8s Monitoring with Prometheus + cAdvisor DaemonSet

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K8s Monitoring with Prometheus + cAdvisor DaemonSet

  1. Run cAdvisor Daemonset which K8s deploys the cAdvisor on every node in cluster
    kubectl create -f
  2. Run Prometheus Configmap which provides config for prometheus server. If nessasary edit the config and run
    kubectl create -f
  3. Apply RBAC
    kubectl apply -f
  4. Now create Deployment which K8s creates Prometheus POD, Service with a NodePort 30900
    kubectl create -f
    • Open TCP port 30900 on any node in the cluster.
    • Access the Prometheus UI http://<NODE IP>:30900
    • I have relabeled __meta_kubernetes_pod_name to container_label_io_kubernetes_pod_name and __meta_kubernetes_namespace to container_label_io_kubernetes_pod_namespace which look like cAdvisor’s metric tag. So carefull it will add exported_ for those two metrics like exported_container_label_io_kubernetes_pod_namespace and exported_container_label_io_kubernetes_pod_name